Frequently Asked Questions

What are the eligibility requirements for FIRE Foundry?

You must have your high school diploma (or a GED equivalent), be proficient in English, be 18 years or older, have proof of employment eligibility, and have an interest in a career in fire service.

Does the FIRE Foundry program require that I take the offered employment?

No, the employment is not required. However, the education component of the program is mandatory for Entry Recruits. You are required to volunteer, attend hands-on skills classes supported by Marin County Fire Dept., and take Fire Academy pre-requisites at College of Marin or be enrolled at a Fire Academy.

When do applications for the 2025 cohort close?

Applications officially open on January6th and are set to close in April 10th. However- space is limited. Applications may close early if all available spots are filled.

What if I don't know what classes I need?

No problem. Our teammates at College of Marin (COM) have you covered. After you apply and enroll at College of Marin, you'll schedule an appointment or meet with a COM counselor. They'll evaluate what pre-requisites you might already have fulfilled and help you to decide whether you should jump into our spring course work or take other course work based on your individual needs.

What if I'm not sure about a career in fire service but am curious? Can I still apply?

FIRE Foundry provides opportunities to do station visits and work one on one with a firefighter mentor from Marin County. These experiences may help you to decide wether a career in fire service might be for you. You should still apply and ask questions during your interview to help you understand if the program is appropriate for you.

Do I have to be a Marin County resident to apply to FIRE Foundry 2024 cohort?

No, you do not. FIRE Foundry is a program focused on building a pipeline of qualified recruits to help diversify the hiring pool for Marin County Fire Department. Marin County residents will have priority when applying but applicants from outside of Marin County are still welcomed to apply.